Monday, February 27, 2012

Prophecy Being Fulfilled!

The Brewing War Of The End As Told In The Talmud:

Persia vs. Edom

Yoma 10a:R. Joshua b. Levi in the name of Rabbi said: Rome is designed to fall into the hand of Persia, as it was said: Therefore hear ye the counsel of the Lord, that He hath taken against Edom; and His purposes that He hath purposed against the inhabitants of Teman: surely the least of the flock shall drag them away, surely their habitation shall be appalled to them. Rabbah b. ‘Ullah demurred to this: What intimation is there that ‘the last of the flock’ refers to Persia? [Presumably] because Scripture reads: The ram which thou sawest having two horns, they are the kings of Media and Persia. But say [perhaps] it is Greece, for it is written, And the rough he-goat is the king of Greece? — When R. Habiba b. Surmaki came up, he reported this interpretation before a certain scholar. The latter said: One who does not understand the meaning of the passage asks a question against Rabbi. What does, indeed, ‘the least of the flock’ mean? The youngest of his brethren, for R. Joseph learnt that Tiras is Persia.

Rabbah b. Bar Hana in the name of R. Johanan, on the authority of R. Judah b. Ila'i, said: Rome is designed to fall into the hands of Persia, that may be concluded by inference a minori ad majus: If in the case of the first Sanctuary, which the sons of Shem [Solomon] built and the Chaldeans destroyed, the Chaldeans fell into the hands of the Persians, then how much more should this be so with the second Sanctuary, which the Persians built and the Romans destroyed, that the Romans should fall into the hands of the Persians. Rab said: Persia will fall into the hands of Rome. Thereupon R. Kahana and R. Assi asked of Rab: [Shall] the builders fall into the hands of the destroyers? — He said to them: Yes, it is the decree of the King. Others say: He replied to them: They too are guilty for they destroyed the synagogues. It has also been taught in accord with the above, Persia will fall into the hands of Rome, first because they destroyed the synagogues, and then because it is the King's decree that the builders fall into the hands of the destroyers. Rab also said: The son of David will not come until the wicked kingdom of Rome will have spread [its sway] over the whole world for nine months, as it is said: Therefore will He give them up, until the time that she who travaileth hath brought forth; then the residue of his brethren shall return with the children of Israel.

This is looking like a/the definite scenario!

When President Obama sits down face-to-face with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week to discuss Iran, he will be staring down the greatest challenge on Israel he’s faced during his presidency.

It is the first time Obama has met Netanyahu since last spring, when the Israeli leader appeared to lecture the president on his country’s history in front of cameras at the White House.

Whatever tensions exist could be exacerbated by the looming crisis that provides a backdrop for the election-year meeting.

Israel believes time is running out for a military strike against Iran that would prevent the Islamic republic from developing nuclear weapons, something Israel sees as an existential threat.
Administration officials acknowledge the Iranian nuclear issue is coming to a head, but U.S. officials have cautioned Israel against a strike that would threaten stability in the Middle East and the global economy.

It’s possible the Obama-Netanyahu meeting next week could determine both countries’ course of actions for Iran.

“The relationship between and Obama and Netanyahu is going to be tested like never before,” said David Makovsky, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. “It doesn’t have to happen on March 5… but if they don't see eye-to-eye, the prospect of Israel going off on its own dramatically increases.”

Iran has been defiant in the face of economic sanctions, threatening a pre-emptive strike against countries that would attack, moving uranium operations underground and not allowing nuclear inspectors access to a military site.

Both Israel and the United States have said they want stiff economic sanctions imposed on Iran to convince the country not to pursue nuclear weapons.

But the two countries view the threat of a nuclear Iran differently, and Israel has less capability than the United States militarily, analysts say, giving the Israelis a shorter potential window to intervene.

“Israel sees this as a very stabilizing significant event, and Israel also lacks the capacity to be able to deal with it in an effective way with diplomacy or economic measures,” Gen. Wesley Clark, a former Democratic presidential candidate, told The Hill.

“The United States sees it as part of a broader counter-proliferation strategy. Certainly it’s well aware of regional risks imposed by Iran… It also has other tools for dealing with it. So, some differences in perspective are inevitable.”

An Israeli strike against Iran has the potential to upend Obama’s presidency — and his reelection campaign.

Iran presents both a real world and political conundrum for Obama, who must balance the threat of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon against the upheaval in the oil market and larger economy that could be a repercussion of a military strike.

“No one’s naïve about what the consequences would be,” said one administration official. “Are we well aware of what would be at stake if a strike occurred? Absolutely.”

A potential Israeli attack risks undermining the U.S. argument for sanctions and pushing Iran to expedite its nuclear production, analysts say.

Senior administration officials maintain the relationship with Israel is “rock solid” and coordination between the two countries is as good as it’s ever been.

And while Obama and Netanyahu do not have a good relationship, one source who has been active in U.S.-Israel relations said personal tensions won’t necessarily harm their ability to work together on Iran.

“It’s not FDR and Churchill,” said the source. “But it doesn’t need to be. The fact that they can disagree is a strength of the relationship.

“Nobody wants a fight here,” the source added. “A fight is in nobody’s interest.”

Obama’s potential Republican opponents have hammered the president on both Iran and Israel.

Mitt Romney said at Wednesday’s presidential debate that Iran would obtain nuclear weapons if Obama is reelected.

“We must not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon,” Romney said. “If they do, the world changes. America will be at risk. And some day, nuclear weaponry will be used. If I am president, that will not happen. If we reelect Barack Obama, it will happen.”

Republicans have also been critical of Obama’s stance toward Israeli negotiations with the Palestinians, after the president called for the 1967 borders to be the starting point for peace negotiations. That led to the chilly meeting between Obama and Netanyahu at the White House last year.

Yehuda Ben Meir, a former Knesset member and senior research fellow at the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies, said that relations between Netanyahu and Obama seem to have improved in recent months, particularly when Obama rallied against the Palestinian statehood bid at the UN last year.

Ben Meir said public opinion in Israel is virtually split on whether Israel should attack Iran.

Administration officials stressed that even if Israel goes its own way on Iran, the United States will still support Israel.

“At the end of the day, there’s no closer ally than Israel,” the administration official said. “We’re never going to abandon Israel, that’s unwavering.”

                      5772 - The Year Of Prophecy

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