Monday, February 20, 2012

Storming the Temple Mount! The Final Intifada

This is an Intifada ready to happen - of Crusade proportions? Some Right-Winger is dying to make this thing ignite; and only now its not Ariel Sharon.

The Zohar says in the final wars, the arena and players involved will be Jerusalem and Yishmael.

With everyone looking to Iran or Syria to start WW3, or even North Korea, maybe its some radical from the Shtachim?

Muslim Propaganda?

The Muslim News:
Dozens of Palestinian residents foiled, on Sunday morning, an attempt by dozens of fundamentalist Israeli settlers to break into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

Local sources reported that the settlers gathered near the Al-Magharba Bridge, that leads to the Al-Magharba Gate, west of the Al-Aqsa mosque, while dozens of Israeli policemen were deployed in the area.

The police allowed the settlers through and prevented all Palestinians, aged 45 of under, from entering the area while on their way to pray at the Al-Aqsa mosque, an issue that led to clashes between the Palestinians, and the Israeli soldiers and settlers. Initial Israeli reports stated that three soldiers were mildly wounded.

It is worth mentioning that a number of extremist settler groups recently called for attacking the Al-Aqsa mosque on Sunday “in order to maintain Jewish sovereignty on the temple”, according to the settlers.

The Al-Quds Media Center reported that some extremist settler groups, including extremist members of the “Trustees of the Temple”, called on their followers to break into the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order “to affirm the Jewish control and sovereignty on the mosque” a first step towards “rebuilding the temple”.

Last week, Israeli policemen prevented dozens of settlers from entering the mosque area, especially due to the fact that dozens of Palestinians gathered at the mosque to stop any potential attack.

Meanwhile, Hamas spokesperson, Fawzi Barhoum, stated that the settlers are trying to wage a religious war against the Muslims and the Palestinians, and called for a massive revolution to protect Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine amidst ongoing attacks by the settlers, and repeated calls for breaking into the mosque.

All Roads of War Lead to Jerusalem In The End
 [This would be the straightest path]


  1. This is the same tactic used to rile up the heathen in the 1929 Hebron massacre...

  2. The Al Aqsa Center has released a statement saying that it has received information that Israel plans to divide up the Temple Mount into separate Jewish and Muslim sections, in the same way that the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron is divided.

    According to the statement, as reported by the Elder of Zion blog, Jews would then be able to perform "Talmudic rituals" (i.e., pray) in the sacred site.

    The Al Aqsa report goes on to say that Israeli police plan to use the new arrangement to cleanse the Temple Mount of Muslims under flimsy pretexts.

    According to another plan "revealed" by the Al Aqsa Center, Jews will freely enter the mosque between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., between Muslim prayer times. These alleged plans will be implemented this year.

    Dozens of Arab stoned Christian tourists and police on the Temple Mount Sunday morning, a day after a former Muslim Mufti warned of a possible “break-in” by Jews.

    Elder of Zion notes, "There is only one reason why these rumors are started -- to keep Jews off of the holiest site in Judaism. They want to stir up riots because, according to these defenders of Islam, it is better than no one go to the Temple Mount than to allow Jewish 'filth' from 'desecrating' it.

    "These incitements have worked in the past, so the Al Aqsa defenders will keep churning out the lies that Arab Muslims are more than happy to believe, fed by hateful terrorist-supporting media like Palestine Today."

    Jews who ascend to the Temple Mount today are not even allowed to pray at this holiest site for Judaism, as it is considered an incendiary action that can provoke Muslim rioting.

  3. like i said: an intifada ready to happen once the jews get up there and daven


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