Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dating Destiny Within Jewish Astrology

This year we will see the "Venus Transit" - Venus' pass through our vision of the Sun.

The famous Zohar that speaks of the Geulah in "72" seems to describe this passing quite well!
[A flame of Black Fire will be held in the Raqia for 60 days...]

Also "Timewave Zero" suggests our decent into the Novelty of 2012 will begin on the Transit Date.

Did the Mayans base everything around visualizing Venus? Did the Zohar give us an Observation Point?

An upcoming solar eclipse may attract more attention, but some parks are also planning for visitors who would like to observe an even more unusual celestial event. The Venus Transit on June 5 will be a literal "last chance in your lifetime" occurrence.

Many of us aren't familiar with the term "Venus Transit," so we'll begin with an explanation of what to expect … and why it's so unusual.

A transit of Venus occurs when the planet Venus passes directly between the sun and earth. Observers in the northern hemisphere will see Venus appear to move from left to right across the upper half of the Sun at a slight downward angle.

According to experts at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, "Transits of Venus across the disk of the Sun are among the rarest of planetary alignments." They're so rare, in fact, that only seven such events have occurred since the invention of the telescope (1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874, 1882 and 2004.)

If this is of interest to you, it would pay to mark your calendar for June 5. The next similar occurrence won't roll around until December of 2117!

As we mentioned in yesterday's Traveler, the upcoming solar eclipse on May 20 is getting a lot of attention in parks, primarily because more people are familiar with the term "eclipse"—and that phenomenon is also easier to see, with proper eye protection, without a telescope.

Bryce Canyon National Park, for example, holds an annual astronomy festival, and decided to move this year's event to take advantage of the May 20 solar eclipse. That doesn't mean, however, that the Venus Transit will be overlooked.

Kevin Poe is the "dark ranger" at Bryce Canyon—the park's key contact for programs focusing on the night sky. For 2012, however, both the May 20 solar eclipse and the June 5 Venus Transit offer daytime opportunities to help visitors enjoy and understand unusual natural events visible from the park.

“The Venus Transit is an event that’s several hours long," Poe explained. "Unlike [the May 20 eclipse], which is two hours long, with only five minutes of the annularity where the moon is almost completely in the way, the Venus Transit lasts for a longer time. So for that event, on June 5, we’re just going to make it an open house thing. It won’t be a grand festival, but we’ll let everybody know that they can come to Bryce on June 5 and look through a bunch of telescopes and watch it …as it slowly moves across the face of the Sun.”

Another park with an active astronomy program is Great Basin National Park in Nevada. A spokesperson says the park will have activities all day long leading up to the beginning of the transit at 3:00PM (PDT) on June 5. Participants can learn how astronomers used earlier Venus Transits to calculate the size of the solar system, and try it out for themselves. Special safe solar telescopes to view the transit will be available, along with a chance to build your own solar viewing telescope. Special safe solar viewing glasses will be available for purchase in the park bookstores.

As time for the event draws closer, other parks are expected to schedule similar activities. The National Park Service has created a web page for the event, which notes, "In the hours before sunset, every park in the contiguous United States, Hawaii, and the Virgin Islands will be able to view most of the transit in the few hours before sunset."

Best views will be in "parks located in the Pacific such as Alaska, Hawaii, Guam and American Samoa," where observers will be able to see the entire event. (On the U. S. mainland, sunset will occur before the transit has finished.) "For serious photographers, the Pacific parks offer an amazing setting to photograph the entire sequence of Venus racing across the face of the Sun."

As is the case for viewing a solar eclipse, getting a safe look at Venus crossing the face of the sun will require some special precautions or equipment, although those items need not be expensive. Another option that won't require anything but a home computer will originate from a unique site located on the island of Hawaii, not far from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

The Mauna Kea Observatory, located at the 13,796-foot summit of Mauna Kea houses the "world's largest observatory for optical, infrared, and submillimeter astronomy." It's the highest point in the Pacific Basin, and normally a reliable spot for clear skies in June. For the Venus Transit, a cooperative effort by NASA, the Sun Earth Day Team and the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy will offer a live 'remote' webcast from Mauna Kea, showing the Venus Transit in its entirety in real time. You'll find more information at this link.

If you'd like to find out what time the Venus Transit will be visible from your home, a park or any other location in the country, you can use a "Transit computer" provided by the U. S. Naval Observatory. You can enter a city and state and determine the beginning and ending times that the transit will be visible, along with the all-important sunset time. Note that times are given in "Universal Time"; a chart at this link will allow an easy translation into your time zone.

The length of time the transit will be visible before sunset becomes longer the further west you travel in the U. S. In Hilo, Hawaii, the transit will be visible for 6 hours and 34 minutes. The viewing time in San Francisco lasts for 5 hours and 22 minutes, but in the New York City vicinity, it shrinks to 2 hours and 19 minutes.

A bit of trivia connects an earlier Venus Transit with a well-known American composer. John Philip Sousa, who was reported to be very interested in the 1882 transit, wrote his "Venus Transit March" in 1882-83 at the request of The Smithsonian Institution. Despite its name, the march wasn't written specifically in commemoration of the transit itself, but rather to honor Joseph Henry, a highly-regarded American physicist who died in 1878.

If you're interested in night sky and other astronomy-related programs, events and information from national parks around the country, you'll find lots of useful details on the website for Night Sky Parks.

5772 : Instead of this Picture, Will We See a Built Beis Hamikdash on The Temple Mount?
We may not see anything strange - but something tells me that we feel a bit strange.


  1. What part of the transit of Venus is black fire? Does the transit of Venus last 60 days?

  2. i think the black fire is the image of it crossing through the sun. 60 days might be something in the astronomy that i don't know its full sig. im aware that it might be a stretch, but so far it fits well, plus the 60 days works out to the first day of the omer (the time the temple is to be seen in talmud lit.)

  3. so this is begining of geulatimes darkness


  4. This transit will be visible for its full duration in the Pacific Ocean areas of New Zealand, Sydney, Australia, and Japan. It will even be visible in Hawaii for its entire duration to be completed just before sunset in Honolulu. June 5 and 6 are exactly 60 days after Pesach (if one considers that Pesach begins at noon on the 14th of Nisan). Yet, for that entire 60 day period, where will there be a black fire until the actual day of the transit? And this transit will only be visual after sunrise in Eretz Yisrael for far less than its actual duration of about 6 1/2 hours. In EY it will take place in the morning hours of June 6th which is exactly 60 days after the 15th of Nisan (morning on the Yom Tov of the 1st day of Pesach). Will there be any other black fires during that 60 day period? Apparently there is a full solar eclipse for the molad of Rosh Chodesh Siwan. Hmm. Solar eclipses are good signs for Klal Yisrael. Is this solar eclipse at the molad of Siwan, a day before Rosh Chodesh itself, visible in Eretz Yisrael? The molad for Siwan is often on Yom Yerushalayim (28th Iyar), but it is sometimes after sunset on the 29th of Iyar. I am not sure that this qualifies as a 60 day fire that is suspended in the Chalal Raik or Rakia of outer space. Help me Reb David. I would like to believe that you are on to something here.

  5. It will also be visible for the entire 6 1/2 hour duration in the Koreas. Hmm. Any thoughts? Plus 6 1/2 hours from sunrise takes us to Mincha Gedolah. more thoughts? Will it be Mincha Gedolah on June 6th over North Korea when the transit is complete? Plus the Zohar elsewhere speaks of a three month war at the edge of the world. This would seem to be with the Koreas who are at the dividing point called the halakhic international dateline and are therefore at the edge of the world. Yet, this Zohar (on VaEra 32 not to be confused with VaYera) says black fire will hang for 60 days, not 90 days. Yet, I do notice that exactly three months after Pesach and one month after the Venus transit is the 16th of Tamuz. This was the beginning date of the 2nd Lebanon War in 5766 which stopped the unilateral disengagement from all of Yehudah and Shomron. The bombing on the Galil was uninterrupted for about one month, and because Haifa was bombed so incessantly, the plan of Olmert to destroy the rest of Yesha (hitkansut) seems to have been stopped in its tracks. This seems to be the appearance of Mashiach in Year 66. So now we are 6 years later. Does the three month war begin on Pesach?? Does it involve both Koreas and Persia?? no predictions here. I am just thinking out loud. Personally, I think that this process will not be complete until the Shmittah year (5775) when Persia has amassed a huge nuclear stockpile. The Medrash Sefer Eliyahu seems to point to an extra three years after 5772 when Persia comes up against the West in three consecutive years. This medrash seems to be right on about everything else including the identity of Olmert, the last leader of the Erev Rav. Plus I trust Eliyahu HaNavi as the most credible source of all. Yet, the beginning of this process should take place in the 2nd half of 5772 al pi Zohar.

  6. I meant to say that the Zohar on VaEira 32 says that the war with North Korea will last 90 days not 60 days that the Zohar on VaYeira 119 seems to indicate with regards to the black fire.


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