Wednesday, May 9, 2012

End [Game] Of Days

Is Bibi really leading an End Game - to resolve the Zionist [Original] Dream? Is now the opening that the Erev Rav must act to accomplish an Ancient Agenda? Or is this just another episode of Politics 101? Bibi says he is addressing real issues with his Unity Government. If [Messianic] Bibi is really stepping up to his [hoping here] (false) Messianic Destiny, maybe things will get really exciting and Novel ON TIME!

Also of note, it seems getting rid of Livni was crucial to Kadima and Israeli Politics in general.

I'm guessing its going to be extreme either way: total chaos or total [Capitalist] delay.

Netanyahu, Mofaz present deal that will draw Kadima into 94-seat coalition and cancel elections; Mofaz calls move an opportunity to join arms in face of big challenges.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Kadima chair Shaul Mofaz highlighted four priorities for their unity government on Tuesday, emphasizing with each the importance of acting "responsibly." The first priority will be "replacing the Tal Law with a historic, just and equal solution" to integrating the haredim into army service. The second is to develop a "responsible budget addressing security, economic and social issues." The third is "changing the structure of government" so that governments serving out their terms will be "the rule and not the exception." The fourth is to "move forward responsibly in the peace process." Mofaz emphasized that "leaders must make big decisions" at this "important time in the state's history." He argued that national unity was an opportunity to "join arms" to address the state's "hardest challenges." He also stated that Kadima was not doing this to receive ministries, seats, or "honors," but was joining the government with the sole focus of "resolving the main issues addressing Israel." Following the conference, Netanyahu and Mofaz will present the deal to the Knesset, which is expected to approve it within 48 hours. Netanyahu and Mofaz sealed the deal, which scuttled plans for early elections in September, overnight, after which Likud and Kadima factions agreed to the agreement. The agreement stipulates that Kadima will not topple the government until the official end of its term on October 22, 2013. Mofaz - who replaced Tzipi Livni just last month as the Kadima party head - will also become vice premier, and will fill in for the prime minister when he is abroad. Kadima's inclusion will bring the coalition to 94 seats. Kadima will lead a committee that will work towards approving an alternative to the Tal Law - which allows ultra-Orthodox men to indefinitely defer army service - by the August 1 deadline. In addition, the party will also work towards changing the government system by the end of the year.


  1. Mofaz's father was a Freemason -

  2. Dear Rabbi Katz:

    With all due respect, in my humble opinion your analysis lacks depth & is given over more in sound bites rather than in the form of rich & lucid narrative.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Yosef Duvid

    1. very good perception, my intent is not to spend 2 hours each morning writing novel interpretation. my goal is to present data/chomer, lead one into it, and allow the person of interest to think into it if he so desires. i wish i had the time and availability to dedicate myself to something "more rich & lucid narrative"

  3. BTW, my above comment applies to all your articles.

    Yosef Duvid

    1. i disagree, i think my fri articles that i write are the exception here, and they are quite rich and lucid. sometimes i do however write more, and sometimes i write less. the blog is not a sefer, lets not confuse the two. the intent is to report matters of interest in relation to contemporary torah; this blog meets those standards. if anyone out there would like to pay a salary for my rich and lucid side to devote to these matters, please feel free to email me :)

  4. I would also suggest that you refrain from reprinting articles from Ha-aretz, Jerusalem Post etc. All these newspapers are so full of lies, bias & inaccuracies that it's usually advisable to even check the date to be sure it's correct!

    Yosef Duvid

  5. i find that the internet is devoid of content bechlal for that matter. my cavanah is to find the articles that seem to be the most relevant,neutral, and torah-comment-worthy to post on a pop[culture-based] blog. at least im not quoting debka [vayismere!]
    i dont think that reporting the water levels of the kineret, lhc results, attacks on haredim, etc are on dodgy ground. as for the rest, i find articles based on my torah point of view extracted from current events.
    i have said this over and over: my first love and passion is talmud. with that said, if there is a chevre that wishes to hear my rich and lucid chiddushim from bava metzia [1st parek] and from the rest of shas, please let me know! i would be never happier than to teach real chiddushei torah from talmud on a blog. unfortunately, is there an audience for this? chiddushim in general lack an audience. so until the world gains interest in authentic torah, i suppose jpost will suffice and current updates of mad-scientists searching for the God particle.
    again, if anyone is interested in talmudic chiddushim, please let me know! id be glad to post! in the meantime, geulah pop-torah blogging seems to be where people's minds are...and i admit, it has a certain flare of interest, charting the unfoldign of end of days to the best of our ability in between real work time.

  6. Nevertheless the Rabbi seems to have found all the time in the world to answer my critical appraisals clearly & with much lucidity & wealth of tongue. Bravo Rabbi Katz!

    BTW, lucidity & richness of tongue do not by necessity come with lengthy rhetoric. In fact more often the contrary seems to be the required imperative. A case in point is the ability of a Tsadik Emes to encompass whole worlds with short, powerful and rich forays into concepts that can awaken the most die hard sleep walker and utterly amaze the dreamer!

    Brocho Ve Atslocho,
    Yosef Duvid

    1. point taken, will endeavor to do so

    2. Judging by that response Rabbi Katz has already adopted your suggestion :)

  7. I certainly look forward to that! In the meantime it's refreshing to witness such humility & candidness as a response to criticism!

    Perhaps the Rabbi is already aware of the following revelation:
    Please check out Chapter 30 pasuk 5 in Dvorim. It's the 5708th pasuk in the Chumash corresponding to the year 5708 or 1948.

    This pasuk which clearly refers to the ingathering of exiles may be interpreted in accordance with both opposing views. The religious Zionists, on the one hand would swear it means that the "Geula" began in 1948.

    The Haredi opposition, on th other hand, such as Satmar & even the last Lubavicher Rebbe (Oh yes indeed! Surprise! Surprise!) would claim the Geula was deferred through the Zionist creation of an unG-dly secular State.

    Whatever the answer, may it take hold now Be Simcha U Ve Rachamim Rabbim!
    Yosef Duvid

  8. Just to elucidate on part my last comment:
    When I said that certain Haredi elements (majority by the way) swore that the Geula was deferred by the creation of a secular Jewish State, I meant that even the Satmar Rebbe (ztl) believed Moshiach was due in 5708 (1948), along with most other Tsadikim of that time including the Chafetz Chaim (ztl) & the Hazon Ish (ztl) just to name a couple.

    On Yom Kippur of 1967 the Satmar Rebbe (ztl) swore with a Sefer Torah in his hands that if not for the Zionists, Moshiach would have come in 1948!

    The Lubavicher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneersohn (ztl) in 1967 screamed out in anguish at a meeting witnessed by Rabbi Chaim Gutnik OBM of Melbourne, Australia, that the founding fathers pushed off Moshiach by 50 to 60 years due to their stubborn refusal to incorporate the name of G-d into the constitution of the then fledgling Zionist State.

    Yosef Duvid

  9. Anyway I just wanted to add that the current Nickolsberger Rebbe Shlitah has an interesting take on the apparently irreconcilable world views of Satmar & Lubavich.

    These huge Hassidic dynasties were headed by two of the Holiest Tsadikim of the last generation!

    The Nickolsberger Rebbe reconciles the views of these two giants with the following parable:

    An enormous passenger liner with thousands of people on board struck an iceberg while navigating the high seas (sound familiar?)

    The ship was sinking fast and the water was pouring in rapidly.
    Two separate groups of volunteers arrived at the scene to assist with the rescue operations.

    The first group concentrated on removing as much water as possible, while the second group got busy taking survivors off the ship onto lifeboats.
    The first group of volunteers represents the Satmar approach while latter, that of Chabad Lubavich!

    Nice ... :) ... no??

    Yosef Duvid

    1. Ouch! I guess so much for my initial pronouncement vis a vis lucidity & rich narrative not necessarily being synonymous with lengthy rhetoric.

      I apologize if I got carried away with so much logorrhea ... :) ...

      Yosef Duvid


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