Tuesday, May 8, 2012

$o When Do We Bomb Iran Again?

Somehow the New Government matters...I just don't know why yet. Does this mean we will see a swap: bomb Iran = Give Palestinians a State? What is "Unity" in fundamentalist Zionism? Did Bibi's father see this as "the way" before he died, being that his roots go all the way back. Whatever the case, that which comes of this, will reveal a new element of saga into Israel, Politics, and Zionism.

If this is a lead up to war, then perhaps 1967 and 2012 really are one in the same. The Midrash says Moshiach will come, and hide for 45 years, and then be revealed again. Thus if '67 was the beginning of the revelation of Moshiach, and 2012 is the end of that process, it would make sense, for when one looks at the topography of today verses then - what really has changed? It's exactly the same in many ways! Only now perhaps, it will lead to revelation of Moshiach. Bringing Mofaz aboard shows that Bibi is showing restraint on the Right from Border expansion, i.e. War with Iran leading to a Palestinian State, with a Centrist View, i.e. continuing the State as is into hi-tech and capitalism.

From Wikipedia: Israel has had several National Unity Governments, in which major rival parties formed a ruling coalition. Such a coalition was notably formed in the days leading up to the Six Day War.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the chairman of the opposition Kadima Party struck a deal early Tuesday morning to form a unity government, a surprise move that staves off early elections and creates a new coalition with a huge legislative majority. According to the three-page agreement that Mr. Netanyahu and the opposition leader, Shaul Mofaz, signed after midnight, Mr. Mofaz will become a deputy prime minister, standing in for Mr. Netanyahu when he is abroad and joining all closed sessions of the cabinet. A former defense minister and military chief who has been critical of the government’s aggressive focus on the Iranian nuclear threat, Mr. Mofaz will be “in charge of the process with the Palestinians,” according to a Kadima spokesman, Yuval Harel, who said that “part of the deal is to turn on the process.” The unity agreement came hours after the Israeli Parliament took the first steps toward dissolving itself ahead of elections scheduled for Sept. 4 rather than at the end of the government’s term in October 2013. With his coalition divided over how to replace a law expiring Aug. 1 that exempted many ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service, Mr. Netanyahu had said in a speech to the convention of his right-leaning Likud Party on Sunday night that he wanted early elections to avoid the instability of a campaign atmosphere stretching over more than a year. But even as the political establishment here was kicking into high gear in recent days, leaders of the Likud and Kadima parties had been in secret negotiations that culminated at midnight Tuesday at the prime minister’s home in Jerusalem, where he and Mr. Mofaz signed a contract, according to Mr. Harel. The two men then went to the Parliament building around 2:30 a.m., where they met with lawmakers from their parties, who voted to approve the deal, officials said. A news conference was scheduled for noon in Jerusalem. “It was at the initiation of both sides,” Mr. Harel said in an overnight telephone interview. “This is the best way to get influence.” In a brief statement issued Tuesday morning, Mr. Netanyahu, who moved closer to the center as a result of the accord, said: “A broad national unity government is good for the security, for the economy, for the people of Israel.” Reaction from other political factions was swift and harsh. “This is a pact of cowards and the most contemptible and preposterous zigzag in Israel’s political history,” said Shelly Yacimovich, chairwoman of the Labor Party and suddenly the leader of the dwindling opposition. She vowed to “show the public that there is a political and ideological alternative,” and said the deal gave Labor “a golden opportunity to lead the people eventually, if not now then in 2013, onto a new path.” Yair Lapid, a popular television commentator who recently formed a new centrist party, Yesh Atid, derided the agreement as a sign of “the old, detestable, ugly politics” and predicted that “this repulsive political alliance will bury all of its participants under it.” But for Mr. Mofaz, who ousted Tzipi Livni as head of Kadima in a party primary last month, and Mr. Netanyahu, who polls predicted would sail to victory in early elections, the benefits were clear. Besides gaining a ministership, Mr. Mofaz buys himself time to build up public support for his platform, keeping his party’s 28 seats in Parliament rather than face elections in which polls show his faction would drop to 15 or fewer. And Mr. Netanyahu’s coalition swelled from 66 to 94 of Parliament’s 120 members, while broadening its ideological base. The 13-clause agreement promises that the new coalition will pass a new law by July ensuring equal national service for all Israeli citizens, including those religious Jews who had avoided the draft to study Torah. It also calls for an overhaul of the electoral process itself by year’s end. Kadima lawmakers would also head several key parliamentary committees, including foreign affairs and defense, and economics. The Iranian-born Mr. Mofaz, 63, had originally said he would not join Mr. Netanyahu’s coalition. “I intend to replace Netanyahu,” he told The New York Times in an interview after his resounding victory over Ms. Livni. “I will not join his government.” In the interview, Mr. Mofaz criticized the prime minister’s foreign policy focus, saying that a greater threat to Israel than Iran was the continuing conflict with the Palestinians. He said that he would start with an interim Palestinian state on 60 percent of the West Bank and negotiate the rest, keeping Israeli settlement blocs in place in exchange for land elsewhere. Borders and security could be negotiated in a year, he said, and thousands of settlers in far-flung locations would agree to move or be forced to. Arik Bender, a writer for the daily newspaper Maariv, called the developments “Shaul Mofaz’s night,” writing in an analysis piece that he “saved the ship of Kadima from sinking at the very last moment, assured himself a prominent position in the government, and secured coalition favors for his party.” He said the deal dealt a “painful blow” to Ms. Yacimovich, and a “mortal” one to Mr. Lapid. Yossi Verter, a senior analyst for the left-leaning daily newspaper Haaretz, called the deal “an atomic bomb,” and said it was struck out of Mr. Netanyahu’s “great power” and Mr. Mofaz’s “severe weakness.” “No party can topple him,” Mr. Verter wrote of the prime minister. “The new Netanyahu government is made of one hundred tons of solid concrete.” David Horovitz, a veteran journalist who runs the new Web site The Times of Israel, described the new coalition as a “masterstroke” for Mr. Netanyahu. “The prime minister, with Kadima at his side, is also now potentially capable of taking a more centrist position on dealings with the Palestinians and over settlements,” Mr. Horovitz wrote in an analysis posted Tuesday morning. “It’s by no means clear that he wants to do so. But he has room for maneuver now if he wishes to use it. And the Americans and the rest of the international community will be well aware of the fact.”

What comes after unbridled Capitalism (which is another word for Zionism):
Let's hope Torah-ism (which is true Zionism)
5772 (looking sooner than '73?)

1 comment:

  1. I'mirtze Hashem we will see Moshiach THIS year. strange things are happening all the way round in many countries. too too much to ignore and discount as politics.


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