Monday, May 7, 2012

Politics, Chess, and Jews - What's The Difference?

True Israeli Politics (at least one view) is to say that Jordan belongs to Israel. Thus peace with Jordan is detrimental because it forces a "friendship" that dictates Israeli policy in that war would be out of the question; conquest is certainly out of the question. What would be a great Israeli propaganda machine? - cause chaos in Jordan, which leads to war, which leads to a Greater Israel. This would be one step closer to solving the Palestinian "Problem" and unifying the Zionistic Dream. This quasi Erev Rav shita based on Erev Katan points of view on Biblical Eretz Yisrael is what pushes false messianic fervor across the region. Dodgy it may sound and backwards thinking it might be (like a warped chess match), but this is Israeli Politics at its best. It makes sense only when you look for the source of its sense.

Thousands of Jordanians took to the streets on Friday demanding an end to the country's 18-year-old Wadi Araba peace treaty with Israel. In a series of nationwide protests, leftist and Islamist activists urged Amman to cut ties with Israel, burning Israeli flags and chanting "death, death to Israel" and "the people want an end to Wadi Araba." Protesters rallied in seven cities across the country, urging authorities to expel the Israeli ambassador from Amman, chanting "no to a Zionist embassy on our land." Protest organizers, including the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood and youth movements, said the demonstrations came as a direct response to King Abdullah's recent nomination of Prime Minister Fayez Tarawneh, who served as a key figure in the 1994 Jordan-Israel peace process. Various political and social groups have expressed outrage over comments recently made by Tarawneh indicating that, if given a second chance, he would still support the controversial peace treaty. "This is a person who obviously does not respect the people's will and his words are proof of how out of touch he is with average citizens," Jamil Abu Baker, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, told dpa. Popular opinion in Jordan is that the 1994 Wadi Araba treaty is a failure, with politicians and officials accusing Israel of not respecting its obligations under the pact, particularly regarding water sharing, Amman's custodianship over holy sites in Jerusalem, and access to the Palestinian territories. Friday marked a departure from activists' demands for democratic reforms, the focus of the vast majority of the some 1,000 protests that have hit Jordan since the start of the so-called Arab Spring uprisings that were triggered in late 2010.

Israel Erev Rav behind Arab Spring (as we are seeing in full revelation from Jordan):
Looks to be that way

...and now for the other side of Politics - the rational to side (in response to irrational beliefs):

It has been 64 years since the United Nations General Assembly approved the Partition Plan for Palestine and the struggle to implement a “two-state solution” began. Today we are no closer to that end. It reminds me of that definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. By that definition, everyone who continues to cling to the delusion of a two-state solution is insane. There is no such thing as a two-state solution. It cannot work, it has not worked, and it will not work. The only viable solution for the Middle East is a one-state solution: one, contiguous Israeli state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. There will not and cannot be lasting peace in the Middle East until then. Ever since the Palestinians and Arab countries refused to accept the Mandate for Palestine, the original two-state solution, the international community has been catering to Palestinian and Arab demands for a divided Israel. The Palestinians and Arabs, however, have repeatedly rejected these proposals, including the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, which they now are using to justify their demands for a divided Israel. Enough is enough. Why is the international community continuing to kowtow to these demands, when for 64 years the Palestinians and the Arabs have actively worked against peace? Israel is the only country in the region that has shown that it wants and will work toward peace. Since 1947, the Palestinian and Arab countries have fought more than five wars against Israel over territory, and each opportunity a victorious Israel returned land it acquired in exchange for peace. The Palestinians have broken their word again and again. They continue to intentionally fire rockets at innocent Israeli families and children, and they have betrayed the fundamental tenet of the two-state solution they tout by cutting Israel out of negotiations and going directly to the United Nations. Moreover, the Palestinian Authority continues to incite violence against Israelis. It pays the salaries of imprisoned terrorists convicted of killing Israelis and glorifies suicide bombers at public events. The PA’s magazine Zayzafuna recently presented Hitler as a role model for the Palestinian youth on account of all the Jews he had killed. Most importantly, how can a people divided between radically different and violently opposed factions possibly govern a single state overnight? Right now, the Palestinians are divided between Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Fatah in the West Bank. These factions fought a civil war no more than 5 years ago and are fundamentally irreconcilable. Who will then govern a unified Palestinian state? The two-state solution can never work when one of those states, the Palestinian state, does not even acknowledge the other state’s (Israel's) very right to exist and has as its entire purpose to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Never will peace come when one side possesses such hate and routinely expresses that hate through violence and blood. It is time to let go of the two-state solution insanity and adopt the only solution that will bring true peace to the Middle East – a single Israeli state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Israel is the only country in the region dedicated to peace and the only power capable of stable, just and democratic government in the region. This solution is the best one for everyone, especially the Palestinians. They will trade their two corrupt and inept governments and societies for a stable, free and prosperous one. Those Palestinians that wish to may leave their Fatah and Hamas-created slums and move to the original Palestinian state – Jordan. The British Mandate for Palestine created Jordan as the country for the Palestinians. It was the only justification for its creation. Even now, 75 percent of its population is of Palestinian descent. Those Palestinians that remain behind in Israel will maintain limited voting power, but will be awarded all the economic and civil rights of Israeli citizens. They will be free to raise a family, start a business and live in peace, all of which are impossible under Arab rule. The two-state solution has failed. Only a one state solution – a single, undivided Israel – will bring peace, security, and prosperity to Israelis and Palestinians alike. It’s time for the United States to lead on this. For over 60 years, peace has been the goal, common sense and basic human morality have been ignored, and peace has not come. We’ve had it backwards all these years: the goal should not be peace at all costs. The goal should be a strong, free and prosperous Israel. The United States should not be some honest broker between two sides but rather publicly stand with one side – Israel. Then, and only then, will real peace truly come.

The writer is a US congressman from Illinois and a member of the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus

This is Pshat Politics at its best.  The World at large does not play by the rules of logic, rationalism, or "Pshat." There is no such thing as Peace in the Middle East, rather its a chess match in theology and ideology and how to manipulate and implement it. To think that these people are arguing logic in the Middle east since Israel's inception is complete folly and madness. The real politics involved are found at the point where the spiritual existence on earth meets with the physical, i.e. people living out their parts of God's Plan. To think that politics is black and white cut and dry, is not reality, when in most cases it would certainly seem realistic. But that goes out the window after thinking about current affairs and history for all of about 5 minutes. God has a plan. High-Level-Idiots put the plan into motion. Those that are left out are trying to save the World with logic, while those informed look to the Torah, which reveals the identity of God's chessboard.

Are we seeing political checkmate to God's Game in '72/'73?

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