Click Here For Parts 1-3 of Moishe’la speaking about Geulah
Part 4:
Discussion with Moishe’la
(and his family) part 4
A handicapped child
21 Cheshvan 5773 (Nov
the signs Am Yisroel
We shall continue from
last night BS”D.
We are now on the
threshold of a new type of world. Where as once people would wake up in the
morning and jump out of bed, run to Daven or run to work with some kind of enthusiasm,
with some kind of hope that today would be the day that their learning would go
very well or they’ll get a promotion in their job or they’ll soon be making a
Shidduch or Bar Mitzvah or a Bris. Something that would make a person excited,
excited to live, excited to face the world. Once the world seemed just, and
with rules and regulations, and the main thing is that most of the world was a democracy
at least most of the western world. This meant that as Jews we could live
quietly, and even if there was a certain amount of anti-Semitism still it
wasn’t anything to be afraid of and besides it was not the accepted thing to do
even among the Goyim.
In Europe and in America in England
and in Australia, South Africa, Singapore, and many other places
the Jews managed to rise, to sky rocket to the top of the financial world. More
and more Baalai Teshuva came on the Frum scene so it seemed that we had
everything going for us, material wealth and spiritual wealth. We had almost achieved
Gan Eden in this world. Even more than that, we could take trips to Europe and Daven at all the Kevorim of all of our great
Tzaddikim and of course the phenomenon of Breslev and Rabbi Nachman and Uman
that thousands of Yidden come to Daven every year, makes Yidden feel that we really
are getting somewhere spiritually also.
No problem to hop a plane,
get to Uman for a day or two, and come back, and even some manage to go to Uman
and the rest of Europe and even to get to Eretz Yisroel to Miron, to the Kosel,
to Kever Rochel in less then a week. This has been our lives. Spiritual jet
setting Chessed parties and other celebrations, and we feel that we are good
Jews. However we forgot one thing, and that is HaKodosh Boruch Hu. Somehow He
wasn’t really included in our new life, our jet setting life. Somehow He was
left out. We became influenced in the worst way by the Goyisha life style, by
the Egel HaZahav and this brought us down terribly in Kedusha.
Where there is little
Kedusha, Hashem cannot be, and by my telling you this you’ll reproach me and
say “how dare you say such a thing? We are Am Kodesh!” I must say, no we are not for the most part Am
Kodesh any more. We have fallen very low and our communities are full of
spiritual rot, we have fallen very low. In business we are not always very
honest. In Kedusha, Hashem Yishmor, the troubles that the Frum Am Yisroel suffers
from is very similar to what the goyim suffer from. Yes the Frum Am Yisroel has
lost its Kedusha. Hashem said “Kedoshim Tihiyu.” How can we be Kedoshim when we
sit and glutton in a pizza store on Motzai Shabbos? How can we be Kedoshim when
on Chol Hamoed we go to bowl in a bowling alley with men and women scantly dressed?
How can we be Kedoshim when our wives are definitely not dressed as Yiddishe Mammas
should be dressed, maybe they are dressed in a style that they have made
everyone believe is Kodesh. But it’s not. It’s not Kodesh.
Our wives and our
daughters are dressed in a way that our forefathers would faint if they saw
this kind of so called Kedusha, this kind of so called Tznius. Oy Lonu! And the
men encourage this from their wives. They encourage the makeup, they encourage
the jewelry they encourage the Sheitels, the short dresses and so on. They are
no less at fault, even more at fault. If the husbands would not want their
wives to dress with a lack of tznius then most of the problem would be solved. Unfortunately
these husbands want their wives to be noticed by other men because for some
reason it lifts the husband’s ego. This is absolutely forbidden!
When a lady like this
takes a Tehillim in her hands and Davens with all her heart and soul, but
continues on her untzniusdik path, then her Tehillim can never reach the place
that she is aiming at. And unfortunately she doesn’t even know where she is
aiming and where it’s supposed to go, and what it really means. If she has
troubles in her life so she’ll cry and ask Hashem to straighten out her
troubles, but very often she is also Davening for troubles that are connected
to the Egel HaZahav, to something not kosher.
If someone in the family is ill or someone is off the derech then her
tears are real but they can’t get to Shomayim because she is not Kodesh and she
is not even trying to be Kodesh, because everyday when she walks out of the
house men look at her and desire her, and this is absolutely forbidden and she
blatantly ignores this fact. And every man that looks at her will be a curse on
her in Shomayim and on her husband who is sitting and learning Torah, Kivyachol
and he still wants his wife to be noticed by men. So the curse will be on him
as well as on every man that looks at her, every man that looks at her even
without desiring her.
Therefore Am Yisroel, this
hurricane came and hit all the centers of Yiddishkeit in the northeast of America which means most of the Frum people in America. The vast
majority of Frum were affected one way or another. Houses where brought down and the
electricity, which is the main connection to the Egel HaZahav, has been cut off.
Just think of all the things that you can’t do without electricity. No
computers, no DVD’s, no movies, no air conditioner or heating, no cooking, no
light, no refrigeration, no anything that can bring you to the great depth that
you have fallen to spiritually.
Look and see and
understand what Hashem is telling us. No electricity, no fuel, no cars, no airplanes,
no nothing. Even food is hard to get. Read the signs Am Yisroel, because if you
don’t the next time will be ten times worse.
I am not talking only about so called natural disasters. And by the way,
temperatures will get to be freezing in the next few days and still many Yidden
are without heating, without electricity to warm their houses.
Don’t you understand Am
Yisroel, don’t you understand? Hashem is telling us, not to depend on the United
States government or the Israeli government, not anything not the army and not
the navy, not anything, not social security, not anything, not the doctors, not
the nurses, nothing. We can only depend on Hashem. That’s all you’ve got so you
better shape up and you better be true Erlicha Yidden and not “as if“ because
that’s not going to be good anymore. The lie is going to disappear. All of your
extreme Gashmius is going to disappear and when it happens you’ll remember my
I want to tell all of you
that what I am saying now is straight from Hashem, and confiding in you Mommy
and Tatti. All of that I have been writing relieves me very much because what
I’m saying is extremely important.
I want you to know that
very soon we will be in a world that is totally different than the one we know
today and remember in the past. The base of everything will be totally different
and we will need to be very strong in Bitachon in Hashem. Whoever is worried about money or how to pay
bills or if they will have financial success in the future etc. just calm down!
You won’t have that kind of false
security but it won’t matter. Hashem will take care of us and that’s what you
have to trust.
The world doesn’t have to
be the way we think it has to be. Hashem makes it how He knows its best for us.
Even if what Hashem does seems uncomfortable for us, we must always be sure
that it is the best way for us and that’s what we have to know and believe. Ultimately we will be very very happy.
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5773 |
Thanks so much for posting this AMAZING heart opening Discussion with Moishe’la and his family, I wish I could get more of this straight to the point ( to the heart) kind of talk.
I totally believe that very soon we will be in a world that is totally different than the one we know of today, we can smell it in the air, Moishela is a good eye opener for me.
Have a good shabbos
Agree to a point on what the autistics are trying to forewarn our people, but do think they are a bit extreme, as there are times to celebrate and we all know that it is a mitzvah to always be b'simcha. As we should all know that whatever H' does is for our good only. Their extreme position is not a Jewish way either; it is living life in fear and trepidation with stringencies which are not required by halacha. We have many customs from Jews who come from the four corners of the world and every community has their own customs and interpretations, as long as it conforms with Halacha. It is true that the Jews have become too comfortable in the galut where we have gotten to be accustomed to the freedom, luxuries, wealth, and influence of the non-Jewish world, which has had a very bad influence on the true way of serving H' and who also have all but forgotten about our most fervent prayer of bringing Moshiach immediately. I know that there is not a day which goes by that I don't pray with all my heart for his arrival and it's hard for me to understand how there's any Jew who does not feel the same. Those beautiful homes in galut should be built in our holy EY and I do also believe that these tragedies are a warning to the Bnai Yisrael, but many will be turned off by scaring the people. The Jews (great majority) who know very little of any Yiddishkeit haven't a clue anyway. We must understand they are like the 'kidnapped children' who are not to blame, & hopefully, will find their way back and do tshuvah. The 'radical' leftists and liberals are Erev Rav anyway. Pray hard for Geulah B'rachamim and may it be immediately.
amen and amen
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